Tantangan Globalisasi Terhadap Eksistensi Kesenian Wayang Kulit

Wayang kulit adalah seni pertunjukkan asli bangsa Indonesia yang sudah ada lebih dari 1000 tahun silam. Wayang kulit sempat meraih masa kejayaannya dimasa lalu sebagai media dakwah dan hiburan. Wayang kulit mengajarkan falsafah hidup kepada masyarakat untuk menjadi manusia yang bijaksana dan beragama. Seiring dengan perkembangan zaman, kesenian wayang kulit pun mulai ditinggalkan masyarakat mulai beralih pada hiburan elektronik layaknya sinetron, film, internet, dan video games. Dominasi hiburan elektronik semakin menggeser eksistensi wayang kulit sebagai media hiburan yang sarat edukasi dalam masyarakat. Tantangan eksistensi wayang kulit yang terjadi di era gobalisasi sekarang akan dibahas lebih lanjut mengingat wayang kulit membutuhkan inovasi untuk terus bertahan dimasa modern sebagai simbol budaya bangsa.
Ada beberapa definisi dari wayang kulit salah satunya adalah menurut Moelyono dalam Soenarto(…..) wayang adalah bayangan imajinasi dari para nenek moyang yang tercermin dari bentuk-bentuk wayang sebagaimana terciptanya wayang melalui tahap penyesuaian dengan kelakuan dan adat tingkah laku yang dibayangkan dalam angan-angan. Dalam pertunjukkan wayang tidak hanya menyajikan sebuah bentuk hiburan, namun wayang adalah falsafah hidup yang dijadikan sebagai pedoman. Wayang bukan hanya bersifat sebagai tontonan, tapi juga tuntunan.
Dalam cerita pewayangan disajikan karakter-karakter yang beraneka ragam dengan pelbagai intrik kehidupannya, layaknya lakon Pandawa dan Kurawa dalam cerita Mahabarata. Pandawa sebagai karakter protagonist yang membela kebenaran dan berjaya sedangkan Kurawa sebagai karakter antagonis yang  jahat dan pengacau hingga akhirnya kalah dalam kebinasaan. Prinsip dasar dalam cerita wayang adalah mengajarkan kita untuk percaya kepada karma. Sebagaimana menurut filsafat orang jawa “sapa nandur ngunduh wohe kang tinandur” yang artinya siapa yang menanam benih maka ia akan menuai hasil dari tanamannya. Bila yang kita tanam adalah sebuah keburukkan maka kita akan menuai akibat dari setiap perbuatan buruk yang kita lakukan dimasa hidup, begitupun sebaliknya. Wayang mampu memberikan gambaran hidup dan penghidupan sebagai simbol filsafat hidup bagi masyarakat yang mendukungnya. Wayang juga mengajarkan cara untuk memandang dunia sebagai suatu penghayatan dalam masyarakat dan alam sebagai satu kesatuan yang tidak terpecah belah.(Usman & Din,2010)
Wayang tumbuh dan berkembang sebagai budaya orang jawa, yang dimaksud dengan orang jawa adalah orang-orang yang berbahasa ibu bahasa jawa dan nenek moyangnya berasal dari jawa tengah dan jawa timur. Usman & Din (2010) menyatakan bahwa orang jawa sangat percaya legenda berperan penting dalam mendidik , mengembangkan pikiran dan kepribadian hidup khususnya dalam diri anak muda. Wayang sebagai hasil peradaban tradisional jawa yang mengembangkan etika, moral dan filsafat yang tersaji apik dalam cerita. Wayang memberikan perasaan harga diri dan kehormatan bagi setiap manusia dan toleransi yang perlu dihormati dengan rasa yang mendalam. Kekuatan yang terdapat dalam wayang  menjadi sebuah pakem bagi para pihak yang melestarikan wayang khususnya para dalang sebagai pembawa cerita tunggal dalam pementasan wayang untuk tidak mengubah cerita yang terjadi dalam pementasan wayang kulit.
Seiring dengan perkembangan yang terjadi dalam kehidupan masyarakat, wayang sebaiknya melakukan inovasi untuk dapat bertahan selaras dengan perubahan zaman. Wayang perlu dipandang sebagai produk budaya yang universal bukan hanya milik golongan tertentu saja. Kepemilikkan budaya wayang dapat ditujukan sebagai budaya bangsa Indonesia, bukan hanya budaya orang jawa. Hal ini dapat ditunjukkan dengan pementasan wayang kulit yang berbahasa Indonesia sebagai bahasa pengantar cerita, agar wayang dapat menjangkau semua orang yang non jawa untuk dapat mengerti pesan edukatif yang ditampilkan dalam wayang.
Menonton pementasan wayang kulit sama halnya belajar pada situasi informal,pesan moral yang disampaikan adalah ilmu-ilmu kebijaksanaan. Melihat situasi yang terjadi selama ini penonton hanya disuapi dengan pesan moral yang diceritakan oleh dalang. Layaknya sebuah proses belajar dari sudut pandang constructivism oleh Huitt(2009) Belajar adalah sebuah proses pencarian makna dengan merefleksikan pengalaman hidup dan membangun sebuah pemahaman tentang fenomena yang terjadi. Sebagai sebuah proses pembelajaran, pementasan wayang diharapkan mampu memberikan interaksi antara dalang sebagai pemain dan penonton sebagai target pembelajaran untuk membantu penonton membangun pemahaman terhadap ilmu kebijaksanaan yang disampaikan. Melalui penggunaan bahasa Indonesia dapat mempermudah dalam menyampaikan pesan moral yang tersaji dalam cerita wayang kulit. Bukanlah sebuah ketidak mungkinan jika wayang dapat disajikan dalam bahasa inggris sebagai media pengenalan budaya Indonesia agar dapat go Internasional diera globalisasi seperti sekarang, agar bangsa luar mengenal budaya kita yang luhur dari ribuan tahun yang lalu.
Dengan tidak menghilangkan unsur hiburan dalam cerita wayang, wayang sangat diharapkan mampu menghadirkan cerita sarat makna dalam berbagai konteks yang terjadi dimasa sekarang. Dalang dapat menjadi lebih kreatif dengan mendesain cerita-cerita baru seputar isu yang terjadi dimasyarakat namun tidak meninggalkan unsur edukasi dalam cerita yang disampaikan. Seperti halnya dalam pementasan wayang golek “Cepot” karya Asep soenarya dari jawa barat yang menggunakan bahasa Indonesia dan melibatkan banyak interaksi dengan penonton kedalam cerita. Adapun seperti kesenian lenong, musik dangdut, dan musik campursari yang disampaikan dalam bahasa Indonesia. Menurut Malinowski dalam(2009) setiap unsur kebudayaan memiliki kegunaan yang cocok dalam masyarakat secara keseluruhan. Bila ada unsur yang tidak berfungsi, maka unsur tersebut akan hilang dengan sendirinya. Tentunya unsur hiburan jangan sampai dihilangkan dalam cerita wayang sebagai daya tarik penonton untuk menonton pertunjukkan wayang kulit.
Kesenian wayang kulit sebagai hasil kebudayaan tradisional Indonesia asli sebaiknya mampu lebih fleksibel dan mengikuti perkembangan yang terjadi seiring dengan arus globalisasi. Wayang kulit bukan hanya sebuah bentuk hasil kebudayaan manusia masa lalu yang bersifat simbolistik dan dimainkan pada momen tertentu saja. Wayang kulit adalah aset budaya nasional yang mencerdaskan para pengikutnya, akan tetapi untuk mampu bertahan diperlukan kesadaran untuk berinovasi sebagai kebutuhan dan mampu berjalan selaras dengan arus globalisasi sebagai proses yang wajar dalam tatanan kehidupan manusia.
Usman,S.M., Din, I, 2010. Wayang (Kepribadian Luhur Jawa). Jakarta: Cakrawala.
Soenarto, Drs. (). Wayang Kulit Purwa Gaya Yogyakarta. Jakarta: Balai Pustaka.
Saiman, 2009. Tantangan Budaya Nasional di Era Globalisasi dalam (link). Diakses pada tanggal 11 November 2010 jam 10:06 WIB
Huitt, W.G., 2009. Constructivism dalam http://www.edpsycinteractive.org diakses pada tanggal 11 November 2010 jam 10:06 WIB.

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Let's See Our Campaign

Poster Background

The picture above is a flyer that will be used as an invitation to attend a campaign on the day specified. While providing an overview of what will be delivered in the core campaign to be held by the group work. The concept that we have from the Globalization and Traditional Cultural Preservation is the repacking of the campaign through a short theatrical play. Theatre campaign includes preservation of cultural (traditional food), which is now his position has been displaced by the diversity of western food such as; Hamburgers, pizza, hot dogs etc. Among adolescents as the influence of globalization. Our theater will be performed in the form of a talk show featuring a case that can be studied as a phenomenon of globalization is happening in modern life.

 We took the title of a talk show that is PG show as the acronym of Planet Global show. Our target audiences are teenagers around 13-19 years. Therefore, in making this flyer we use some bright colors to attract the attention of teenagers’ viewers and we use non-formal language as the language which common used in adolescent conversations. In this poster, there are some photos that we mix and match between authentic Indonesian cuisine and western cuisine. The purposes of the photos as invitations to look at the impact of globalization from other views. So far, most forms of traditional culture that has been threatened by globalization that is often discussed about the art of dance, songs, pictures, etc. But in this campaign, we deliberately raised the topic of traditional foods because we think of food as one of the cultural products that are very close to the daily lives of adolescents.

Globalization is not a negative impact or threat. Globalisation is challenging us.Let 's think globally! Let's open our mind to Globalization! These sentences are our jargon to invite the audience to face and addressing the globalization era. The teenagers are expected to be assertive (firm) against globalization, especially against the arrival of various foreign foods. With capital knowledge, it is expected that they will be able to distinguish and selectively absorb part of the globalization that have a positive effect. For example, the globalization actually opened our opportunities to seek information broadly why traditional Indonesian food assumed as lame food by teenagers, and we can find the solutions, how to make traditional food is interesting, etc. Without replacing the existence of traditional food with western food.

In the flyer, there are two pictures emoticons with different expressions. This emoticon symbolizes the perception of Indonesian cuisine that occurs among adolescents. The first emoticon symbolizes an expression of sullen teenagers who dislike with Indonesian cuisine, which is also symbolized by the dialogue in the balloons and pictures Semur Jengkol as representative of Indonesian cuisine which is considered as old-fashioned and inappropriate for teenagers. On the other hand, there was an emoticon with a smile expression that represents the interests of young people in enjoying the modern food which is cool like food from western countries such as hamburgers which is shown in the picture.

The following photos below are solid food-matching between Indonesian food and western food. The Photos symbolize the solution on how to address the role of globalization as well as teens participate in preserving the traditional food that the details will be submitted furthermore information on the talk shows. The solution we mean is that in an effort to preserve traditional foods in the era of globalization, the teens should be open minded to globalization that occurred as a natural process. This can be realized with a combination of Indonesian cuisine and western cuisine (acculturation) as a form of receiving / absorbing selectively and open the entry of foreign cultural elements into our native culture. With so to get something that is hanging out and no more old school, teens are expected to make innovation and creating a traditional Indonesian cuisine, so the more varied and can be exhibited in a global society. (Although not all of the teenagers interest for cooking).

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wikis and Social Networking Sites for Learning

There are many social networking sites now, for example, facebook, twitter, glogster, kaskus, and wikispaces. Social networking sites can be accepted by decent among Indonesian people. According to statistical data from http://www.checkfacebook.com/, in 2010 Indonesia was the second country with the largest number of facebook user after United States, with a total of 31,858,700 facebook users. This data shows the interest of Indonesian people in using social networking sites for finding friends. Today, social networking sites not only used in business of looking for friendship, but social networking sites began to be used in education. Social networking sites are able to seize the attention of young people the majority of them are students. A variety of features available in social networking sites can be an effective media for learning.

We can take the example in
http://www.wikispaces.com/ site, various features provided by the indigenous peoples used to support learning. In Wikispaces site, the admin can upload learning materials within the site. The materials presented not only in the form of text, but can also be a slide presentation, audio, and video. Admin can also share links as references that can be read by the readers to deepen their subject matter. This type of learning helps students to learn independently at any time without having to be forced. Without leaving the elements of collaborative and cooperative, on the discussion board feature, students can discuss on this site discussing the topic and find the solution of a problem via post comment and reply in order to deepen their understanding of the material being taught. Through this web 2.0-based site students can interact with the teacher at any time without having to hesitate, if they feel less understand to the material being taught in class. For teachers, this site can facilitate their work in teaching. Wikispaces has a feature where the files are posted by the admin can be systematically arranged, so students are not confused to access a file that can be downloaded every time.

Unfortunately, Wikispaces site is still rarely used in teaching in Indonesia. It is probably that the Indonesian people do not know this site and do not know how to use it. To optimize the use of social networking sites in learning, Facebook should be considered use in learning  as a means to convey the subject matter. Keep in mind that Facebook is a popular site among students. Facebook has many features that can be used for learning, such as: Group fan page, chat, messages, links, photos, discussions, and even now there is Facebook mobile version that can be accessed via mobile phones either online directly or via SMS. As it can be more easily to access, Facebook will certainly be very helpful in conveying the material. Through facebook, teachers can create a group fanpage where all students can become members and facebook can serve as a forum for discussion on air without the need for meeting face interaction at all times. With the chat feature, both teacher and student can do online conference all the time, this chat feature can also be accessed via mobile phones with the help of supporting softwares, such; ebuddy, nimbuzz, etc

Teachers can share links that can connect with some other information sites such as blogs, news sites daily, magazines, and video sites. The majority of students now have mobile phones, of course it is easier for teachers to use facebook for learning. In this way, students can learn in a way that they enjoy doing with a tool that is a trend of among them.

The picture was retrieved from: http://speedtest.net/global.php#0
In indonesian context we still encountered many obstacles, from the picture above we can see how bad the quality of the Internet in Indonesia, which ranks 150th in the world with a speed of only 1.23 Mb / s. In optimizing e-learning by using the Internet social networking sites we need prime quality with the high speed internet. Of course, in using social networking it spends more bandwidth to access all the features available. With the quality of the Internet as it mention above, it will spend a lot of time when accessing social networking sites, either as user or admin we do not want lots of waiting and make the learning situation become boring.

Internet inability to reach isolated areas is also a drawback in the use of networking sites for learning. As we know that Indonesia consists of several islands, to the internet with the best quality can only be accessed in big cities, like Jakarta, which is equipped with HSDPA for internet facilities and internet broadband. The problems also become more complicated with teachers who have not been able to apply this system in their teaching, there are many teachers who have not literate with the technology. All these issues will certainly preclude the use of social networking sites in teaching in Indonesia. However, there is no harm if we want to try to apply this way of teaching us with all the limitations

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My School Experience in The Third Semester

My School Experience in The Third Semester
In the observation and teaching assistance activity in the third semester, I was chosen to do this activity in SMA IT NURUL FIKRI Depok. It was an integrated Islamic high school, they separated the class between male and female class. The school facilitates the students to the technology. They had a computer laboratory, science laboratory, E-learning laboratory, and also internet connection. Unfortunately, I did not observe the E- learning laboratory usage in the classroom because they did not use it at that time, eventhough E-learning sounds so interesting for meJ.
I used to observe the XB class, it was a female students class. The teacher used the technology to make activity in the class. When I came to the class, they were studying about procedure text and the students were doing presentation as their project task in group. Their task was making a TV show about cooking, so they would act as TV presenter who invites the master chef as their guest. Their presentation would be a cooking demonstration about a food in the class. The technologies being used in the activity were Gas stove, frying pan, and spatula. If you are thinking that technology is always related to computer then you will be totally wrong. The terminology of technology is the branch of knowledge that deals with the creation and use of technical means and their interrelation with life society, and the environment, drawing upon such subject as industrial arts, engineering, applied science and pure science.
The usage of technology in the class was very effective to support the learning situation. This activity aimed to assess students speaking skill, by cooking demonstration they were situated in a real condition of speak formally in front of the class. I thought this kind of approach was really appropriate to teach about procedure text to the class. First, the activity was interesting and they can perform their work to the class as well without underpressure and stress making of memorizing activity. Second, the example of procedure text is recipe. This activity tried to put the recipe to the real way through cooking demonstration.
This school already had a good facilitation in technology, if I were the principal of this school my duty for the future was keeping the technology property which already exists and doing improvement continuously as the technology progress was going so fast. The most important thing was maximize the usage of technology itself, so that the tools would not be as a handicraft which hanging on the wall and nice to look. I would hire teachers who were capable to use technology on their teaching, made the technology as an interesting media for learning and made it interactive for the students. The teacher training is also needed to enrich teacher skills to use knowledge because a teacher also needs to learn continuously. Finally, I conclude that as technology is growing so fast every day and schools have to be very sensitive for this issue. Technology is not only for simplify our work but it also as tools for students to learn how to create their masterpiece work in this modern era.

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