Tugas Midterm Multimedia Production

How to Write a Critical Essay?
Welcome to this podcast. In this podcast, we will talk about how to write a critical essay in academic writing. This is for college students as an introduction to write a critical essay in related subject on universities or colleges. Before we go further to discuss about critical essay, what is critical essay actually? It is probably a question which comes across your mind when you heard it for the first time. Critical essay is an analytical examination of a single or multiple work. It can be an artwork, such as: a play, novel, song, or a movie. Critical doesn’t mean you criticize an artwork based on your single opinion which comes from your feeling or intuition that you feel it is right. In critical essay, you analyze an artwork based on facts and some studied materials through research to support your point of view. It’s not necessarily to present a biased and prejudices perspective in your essay.
To develop your first critical essay, there are several steps which you have to do in order to make your essay systematic. These are the following steps to develop a critical essay:
1.      Define Your Topic
Before you start to write, the first time you have to do is define your topic. As I told you before that critical essay could be discuss an artwork, you can relate your topic with the social issue happened, such as: gender and feminism, globalization, racism, poverty, conflict, etc. You don’t have to present a wide topic that will be discussed in your essay. You can specify your topic based on your preference that you mastered, for example: You want to analyze a movie let say “GIE”, you can specify it to analyze the dialogue of the movie to relate it with your big topic like conflict.
2.      Find References
When you already have a topic that you will be discussed in your essay, you have to find the references to support your idea while analyzing the topic. As I told you before, in essay you don’t have to present a single perspective. You can find reference in a book, online journal, or an eBook. You can choose a specific theory and then generalize it to support your argument. When you feel lazy to read a thick book you can do googling to simplify your work, but don’t forget to put citation for a theory or put a certain argument in a book or journal. Remember this is an academic writing, you have to put acknowledgement in your essay to avoid plagiarism issue.
3.      Start To Write
In this step, you can start to write your essay by doing free writing as your draft or you can even try to draw your idea in a mind map to make your essay systematically. Because it is a free writing you can write everything which comes into your mind freely, just put away any kind of writing rules when you do this. After you do free writing you can show it to your friend for getting feedback to make your essay better.
4.      Editing
After getting feedback from your friend, you can reflect to yourself what the minus point of my essay is. When you feel it’s not good yet, you can totally edit your essay in this step. Perhaps, you can put any idea which is missing before or you can put acknowledgement of any citation that you used in your essay.
5.      Finishing
Last but not least, in this step you have to check for any error in your essay. Perhaps, it could be a grammatical error or wrong typed words. It can be also you point out of some ideas that you haven’t elaborated it properly. Make yourself as a conscientious person who will check you work for every single mistake that could be happen.
Finally, you drew your experience of writing a critical essay. Every single step of writing critical essay is very important in order of gaining quality of your essay. The most important in your essay is you don’t make any judgment or derogatory remark of your point of view. However, it is a process and perhaps you were doubt at the beginning that you will make any mistakes while writing a critical essay. It’s okay, no one best at the beginning. Keep practice to make your writing best.

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Tugas Midterm PETA

The First Teaching Experience in My Life

In the second week of teaching assistance activity in SMA IT NURUL FIKRI Depok, I was assigned by teacher to teach the XB class. I had to explain you that this is an integrated Islamic high school, they separated the class between male and female students. XB is a female student class, it consist of 29 students in the class. After one week of observing and becoming teacher assistance, I had been given a chance by my master teacher to teach English in her class. Fortunately, the class that I used to teach consisted of smart students, they were so confident to speak in English eventhough it was broken English. Based on my observation in the previous week, I assumed that the female classes tend to be handled easier than male classes. Female classes also paid more attention to the teacher explanation than in male classes.
I prepared my lesson plan four days before I taught the class. Procedure text was a topic which I used to teach in the class. My master teacher told me that almost of the students were joined to the private course after school, they already learned about pattern, language feature, and form of procedure text in their course. She suggested me not to develop the lesson which focused on the grammar only because they already had learned it before for many times either in group and in the class. Actually I was inspired by Mr. Iwan who developed a lesson by combining Jigsaw and Role playing in the class as he gave it in Multiple Intelligence workshop in SSE campus. I thought it will be effective to practice their speaking and reading.
 I assigned the students to work in groups and they would hold certain rules on their group, they would develop a poster from the scattered text and pictures also they will explain the poster in walking galleries activity. They would act as logistic, manager, recorder, encourager, and expert. My master teacher suggested me to give reward and punishment in my activity. She told me that if I gave them reward and punishment, they would feel that they were on duty to do the task as well. By giving them a certain role, they were responsible to their role which had a certain obligation on their group.
I promised them to give Juragan and Babu Award to the class. Juragan Award would be given if one of the groups finished the poster faster than other and it was easy to be understood also they presented the poster clearly to the class. In the other hand, Babu Award would be given for the students that interrupt the class such as: did not help the group to finish the poster, sleeping in the class, and also make a crowd in the class. By giving the reward and punishment, it was so effective for them to develop the posters seriously. It affected the students to work intensively and collaboratively in their group. However, I had to give them extra time to finish the poster because 20 minutes that I had given to them at the beginning was not enough. I learn that sometime the lesson plan can be flexible and longer from the target. This activity would be held effectively, if the teacher explains the role of the students clearly and also teacher had to avoid giving ambiguous instructions but give the instructions clearly and systematically.
 I had a problem when I brought this activity to the class, it was difficult for me to assess their speaking by doing Jigsaw like in walking galleries because it was so hard for me to watch and listen all of them at the same time. In walking galleries it was also difficult to assess the other member of the group because expert is the only one who will talk in this part.  I think to assess the student from walking galleries activity teacher should have more partners to assess them in the same time, it would be better if they explained it one by one in front of the class. Actually, applying Jigsaw and Role playing as I explained above is very effective to assess student’s affective manner like participation to work collaboratively in group and assess their reading of the text to follow the written instructions. However, it was a bit difficult to assess their speaking skill because of any distractions would be happened when they were doing presentation while some students were paying attention to it and the other got busy to moving around and looking for the gallery that they were like to come also a crowd was potentially happen in this time.

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My School Experience in The Third Semester

My School Experience in The Third Semester
In the observation and teaching assistance activity in the third semester, I was chosen to do this activity in SMA IT NURUL FIKRI Depok. It was an integrated Islamic high school, they separated the class between male and female class. The school facilitates the students to the technology. They had a computer laboratory, science laboratory, E-learning laboratory, and also internet connection. Unfortunately, I did not observe the E- learning laboratory usage in the classroom because they did not use it at that time, eventhough E-learning sounds so interesting for meJ.
I used to observe the XB class, it was a female students class. The teacher used the technology to make activity in the class. When I came to the class, they were studying about procedure text and the students were doing presentation as their project task in group. Their task was making a TV show about cooking, so they would act as TV presenter who invites the master chef as their guest. Their presentation would be a cooking demonstration about a food in the class. The technologies being used in the activity were Gas stove, frying pan, and spatula. If you are thinking that technology is always related to computer then you will be totally wrong. The terminology of technology is the branch of knowledge that deals with the creation and use of technical means and their interrelation with life society, and the environment, drawing upon such subject as industrial arts, engineering, applied science and pure science.
The usage of technology in the class was very effective to support the learning situation. This activity aimed to assess students speaking skill, by cooking demonstration they were situated in a real condition of speak formally in front of the class. I thought this kind of approach was really appropriate to teach about procedure text to the class. First, the activity was interesting and they can perform their work to the class as well without underpressure and stress making of memorizing activity. Second, the example of procedure text is recipe. This activity tried to put the recipe to the real way through cooking demonstration.
This school already had a good facilitation in technology, if I were the principal of this school my duty for the future was keeping the technology property which already exists and doing improvement continuously as the technology progress was going so fast. The most important thing was maximize the usage of technology itself, so that the tools would not be as a handicraft which hanging on the wall and nice to look. I would hire teachers who were capable to use technology on their teaching, made the technology as an interesting media for learning and made it interactive for the students. The teacher training is also needed to enrich teacher skills to use knowledge because a teacher also needs to learn continuously. Finally, I conclude that as technology is growing so fast every day and schools have to be very sensitive for this issue. Technology is not only for simplify our work but it also as tools for students to learn how to create their masterpiece work in this modern era.

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What kind of multiple intelligence learners are you?

What kind of multiple intelligence learners are you?

I think bodily kinesthetic intelligence is strong in me. I feel better when I learn something with practical rather than just theory. I think the learning becomes more challenging. I really like when I study with role play or simulation, it makes me more understand the lesson. Body movement activity really supports my learning, I tend to fall asleep when I study in the class only listen and write a note. When teacher/ lecture develop the lesson includes body movement activity, such as; role play, simulation, games are really encourage myself to be more understand with the lesson. I think by using bodily kinesthetic approaches we can get beneficial things on it, I can see it visually with the example case and I can do practically what the lesson is talking about.

In the other hand, I really feel comfortable when my teacher invites the students to study out from the classroom. I think it would be better if learning can happen outdoor, we can be closer to the nature and study with everything surrounds us. Teaching in outdoor make me more relax and unlimited by classroom spaces. Sometime I think if I were a teacher I will develop a lesson by using a bodily kinesthetic and nature intelligence approaches and also integrating technology on it, because I really love to work with using technology especially my computer.

However, with these intelligences I have, sometime I found difficulties to learn some specific lesson which is need to be delivered with speech. I can be feeling asleep for the whole session. I realize that not all lesson can be delivered involve body movement activity. I do not know how to solve this problem?

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A sophisticate video

Light Drive from Kim Pimmel on Vimeo.

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Total Physical Response

Total physical response is my favorite teaching language method. This method involves physical movement which can make learning language become more interesting. I think this method can reduce student’s anxiety in the classroom. Learner can see visually to what they will do in the class and do some activities which can make studying language can be more fun. The possible activity for TPR method by using games or simulation of certain activity like sport, such as: throwing ball, kick the ball, or jump the rope, etc. it aims to make the activity look visually and easy to understand.
Actually, there is no teaching method which is best in every situation. Based on my interpretation, Total Physical Response (TPR) is really appropriate when it is applied in elementary or secondary school. As in the early period of learning language in formal school, learners in this age are really excited to do some activities which are including body movements. TPR method allows us to collocate our self as language learner to use language in a real situation and more practical rather than just a theory. This method gives more opportunity to language learner to show up their ability in using second language then put it into practice and I think they can be more comfortable. If students can feel happy when they enter the second language class, I think it will grow a spirit on second language learners to learn language as a hobby. So, there will be no more enforcement to learn foreign language for learners if it is applied in the appropriate time as I have mentioned.

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What Kind of Teaching Language Approach That Indonesia Need?

What Kind of Teaching Language Approach That Indonesia Need?

           I personally think that Art craft conception is the most suitable method to be applied in Indonesian context. Why? Because this method is not aim only for increasing student’s grade on studying language, but this method tend to be more understand that students have a different way of learning. In this field, teachers are not limited on teaching approach which is already there but they can develop their own approach. It means that teacher also become as a part of learning process, they learn how to teach students in different circumstances. I emphasize that every single students have a different way of learning. So, the teaching approaches which already there are not always appropriate while it is used in every situation.

            You can imagine, in Indonesia we have almost 40 students in a classroom. It means that we have a big class here. For example, if we used some theory like audiolingualism or silent way it will not support the learning process can be interesting. In audiolingualism which has approach drill and practice, not every student gets their turn to practice in a class except the one who become the volunteer. In this case, through science art conceptions teacher can develop their own approach to solve this problem according to their own perspective as the teacher. I think this method will encourage teacher to think out the box and increase their creativity. I conclude that Art craft conceptions will help a lot if it is applied in Indonesia.

           Another reason to apply this approach in indonesia is we need a learning process that aim to a local context. As long as i have studied english in formal school, student's handbook always took a studycase from other country depends on the who is the author of the book. Unfortunately, this case sometime is not appropriate when it is applied in indonesia context, different country will have a different phenomena and culture. As Prof. Kasihani said that we need to learn second language through a contextual learning or we learn a knowledge through some phenomena which is happen arround us.

           Art craft conception is related to contextual learning. By using art craft conception, teacher can develop their own approach to use contextual learning. it can make student understand the lesson easily with something happen around them.

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A Brief Explanation of Teaching Language Methodologies

A Brief Explanation of Teaching Language Methodologies

Zahorik (1986) argued that there are three main characteristic of language teaching methods: science research conception, theory philosophy conception, art craft conception. These three main conceptions have their own characteristics in applying the delivering of language skills for the learners.
Science Research Conception
Science research conceptions of language teaching are derived from research and are supported by experimentation and empirical investigation.  These are following strategies which used in science research conception:
Operationalizing learning principles.
In this part, teaching method which is will be used in the classroom comes from the research.  The mastery learning and programmed learning is the main principles of this part, meaning that the teaching method used in the classroom is running under a program. These are the examples of teaching method used in operationalizing learning principles:


Task Based Language

Learner Training

Learner training is an approach which draws on research on the cognitive styles and learning strategies used by learners in carrying out different classroom learning tasks.  Once successful learning strategies are identified, these can be taught to the other learners.

Following a tested model

In this approach, involves teacher to apply an experimental research to teaching.  “ a view of good teaching is developed through logical reasoning and previous research; good teaching is defined in terms of specific acts” (zahorik,1986). Meaning that teaching method is not only following some famous theory but the theory itself is logical and reasonable to use. It aims to examined a teaching method through a real act and test it to the previous research. In addition, to find a better teaching method to support the learning process.

Doing what effective teacher do

The strategy involve teacher to identify an effective teacher and studying their teaching practices. Effective teacher is seen as teachers who are typically defined as those whose students perform a better on standardized achievement tests.
There are twelve characteristic of science research conception.
1.       Instruction is guided by preplanned curriculum.
2.       There are high expectations for student learning.
3.       Students are carefully oriented to lesson.
4.       Instruction is clear and focused.
5.       There are smooth and efficient classroom routines.
6.       When students do not understand, they are retaught.
7.       Class time is used for learning.
8.       Learning progress is monitored closely.
9.       Instructional group formed in the classroom fit instructional needs.
10.   Standard for classroom behavior is high.
11.   Personal interactions between teachers and students are positive.
12.   Incentives and rewards for students are used to promote excellence.

Theory philosophy conceptions

Teaching conception which are derived from what ought to work are essentially theory based or rationalist in approach, whereas those which are derived from beliefs about what is viewed as morally right are valued based approaches.

Theory based approaches

The theory is ascertained through the use of reason or rational thought. Systematic and principled thinking, rather than empirical investigation, is used to support the method. The conception of the teaching that teacher let them to think through their logical argumentation and not tend to depend on what the teacher gives in the classroom. These are the examples of theory based approaches;

Communicative language teaching

The silent way

Values based approaches

Another way to develop a teaching model which is concern on the role of education in society. The essential of learning here is collaborated into situation on the society, collaborative learning takes a place in here that learning is not only between teacher and students but also it involved friends as a tutor to learn each other. These are some following teaching method used in this field:

Team teaching

Humanistic Approach

The Learner Centered Curriculum

One of the number of terms used to refer approaches in language teaching which are based on the belief that learners are self directed and responsible as a decision maker. Learners are seen to learn in different ways and to have different needs and interest.

Reflective Teaching Method 

Art Craft Conceptions

Teaching is seen as an art of craft which is something which depends on the teacher’s individual skill and personality. A good teacher is a person who assesses the needs and possibilities of a situation that creates anuses practices that have promise for that situation. This approaches seek to develop teaching as a unique set of personal skills which teachers apply in different ways according to the demands of specific situations.

The essential skills of teaching in this approach are:
·         Treat each teaching situation as unique
·         Identify the particular characteristics of each situation.
·         Try out different teaching strategies.
·         Develop personal approaches to teaching.


Hearwasty, G. (2010). language teaching methodologies; students handbook. Sampoerna School of education. 2010. Jakarta.

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